Pros And Cons Of Keeping Your Pets In Your Home During An Open House

If you're a pet owner who is planning to place your home for sale, one of the decisions that you'll need to make is what you'll do with the animals during an open house.  It's customary for the seller to be out of the house during this time frame, but many sellers take many different approaches with their animals, including taking the pets with them, leaving the pets behind, and even putting the pets out in the backyard. While you'll want to discuss this issue with your real estate agent to get his or her advice, you may be leaning toward keeping the pets in the home. Here are some pros and cons of doing so.

Pro: They Can Make The Home Feel Inviting

There are approximately 85 million American families with a household pet, which means that a considerable percentage of those who will attend your open house are likely pet owners. For many people, a pet helps to make a house a home, so the presence of your pets can actually make people feel more comfortable inside the house. Additionally, they may spend a little longer at the open house because they want to see the pet, which can be helpful.

Con: Not Everyone Loves Pets

While there are lots of people who love pets, this isn't the case for everyone. Some people don't like animals, while others are afraid of them — perhaps as a result of a bad experience in the past. If your pets are present during the open house, some people may rush through or even be reluctant to enter, in extreme cases.

Pro: The Open House Will Be Fun For Children

Some buyers visit open houses with their children, which can often be a problem. Bored children can cause buyers to cut their open house visit short, which may not give them enough time to thoroughly assess the residence. When a friendly pet is present, the children may enjoy rubbing it, thus giving the parents more time to walk through your home.

Con: Issues Could Arise

There could be a few potential problems if you leave your pets in the home during an open house. For example, a visitor could leave the door open long enough for an indoor cat or your pet dog to get outside, which could be an issue. Additionally, if someone's behavior frightens your pet, it's possible that this visitor could get scratched or even bitten, which could lead to a legal problem in extreme scenarios.
